Monday, December 10, 2012

Grandma DD

My Grandma DD.
92nd Birthday Party!

An amazing woman that I can't say enough nice things. She is so caring and so thoughtful in every aspect. She is a social butterfly of her network of friends and always has been. She is 92 years old and up to about three months ago, used to exercise twice a week in an exercise class and walks all the time. (I am trying to get her back into the makes her happy and she misses it too much!)

Last Wednesday, she woke up with a really bad sore throat and as the day progressed, it got harder for her to swallow. I received a phone call from my mom Sunday morning telling me that she isn't much better. I immediately headed that direction to see her and took her some chicken soup. I told her to drink lots of water and eat some food. She didn't have much energy which I am sure derived from lack of food. She seemed in good spirits and a little better by the time I left.

This morning, my dad calls and tells me that they are heading to Cambridge to take her to the ER..........

Monday, October 22, 2012


I can't believe that I actually ran a half marathon! Seriously! If you would have asked me about doing this five years ago, I would have laughed in your face....and then lit up another cigarette. Now, five years after I quit, I can't get enough of running and wouldn't think about lighting up! I love running and the more I do, the better I feel.

But this sticker is what I have been wanting for about a year now! And the time has finally come! It is on my jeep! Right above my running sticker! There is one more sticker I want to get about running and then I should be good. Wish I could find a cover for my tire. That would be awesome! :)
What a GREAT day!
Looking forward to next year!

Monday, October 15, 2012

So close!

6 days and counting! That's it! I don't believe that I have trained enough for my goal but I know that I have trained enough to finish. I ran 11 miles last Sunday and 8 miles yesterday with my first four miles (alone) was averaged at 8:57 for time and the last four (with a friend) was averaged at 10:07 and felt great after it....could have ran more but I didn't want to overdo it with my race being only 7 days away. 


Monday, October 8, 2012

13 Days

.....and counting!

I ran 11 miles yesterday and actually felt great and thought "I could do more but why push it". I just finished 7 miles two days prior. My last mile was paced at 8:54 min but it took me 1:55:22 to finish the 11 total. I want to get under 2 hours. I HAVE TO DO THIS!



Thursday, September 27, 2012

Counting Down

Less than a month.....24 days to be exact. Butterflies are setting in. The anxiety is taking over. Sometimes I think I should just pull out and not even try. But then reality comes back and smacks me in the face! I am soooo running this half marathon! Why would I think that I shouldn't or even couldn't run it? I have ran a total of 10 miles so far, including hills, and still had wind left in me. I wasn't dragging on the last mile...actually I was running at almost the fastest of the entire span.

I can do this! I WILL do this!

And it will be AWESOME!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

8 Miles!

Today was an amazing day for a run. Beautiful weather - about high 60's starting, but by the time I finished, it was in the mid 70's. 8 MILES! That's a first for me! And it was all on hills! Very few flat ground areas. I just ran for endurance, not speed. It was so much easier! I felt fantastic!  I probably could have gone farther if there was a place for some flat ground. Nothing here. It's an arboretum and full of hills and amazing views!

I am looking forward to next Sunday morning. I am hoping that my BB will be able to go for a run with me. I have a new place I want to hit but won't go alone. It's an 8 mile flat run! :) 

The picture is one of my favorite spots within the arboretum. It's at the top of a long hill, flattens out in the shade, and then slowly goes back downhill. LOVE IT! 

Until next time.................

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Shoes? Running shoes to be specific.  My favorite for the last four years has been Asics. I like their Nimbus line but lately, I tried the 33 line and WOW! Even better! BUT, I bought my first pair of Brooks last week. Brooks Ghost 4.  SUPER CUTE! SUPER COMFY! Now for the real they fit my feet well during runs?  My first experience out was a bad one - I seemed to get shin splints right away and I was only running two miles. ? And not super fast. ?  I had to give them three tries before I returned them. I wore them yesterday for an even shorter run but the speed was a lot slower and I didn't have any problems at all. I am going to put them to the full test on Sunday for my endurance run and see if they can hold up to their testimony! :) 

To be continued.................

Super cute, right?! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There is actual sunshine outside. I can't believe it! Ohio and there is sunshine. Oh wait, it's only 43 degrees out there. Looks are so deceiving but at least I can smile with the sun! It should get up to mid 50's today so that won't be as bad as yesterday. Ran 2.64 miles and couldn't handle the wind. My ears hurt too bad. I didn't realize it was as bad as it was until I was already out in the middle of the trail. Dawes. One of my favorite places to run. I have found that running near the lake is very soothing as well. 

So I am sitting here at my desk in my house, researching ideas for Pilates. This class is a personal favorite but still challenges me to come up with new ideas to work the core. My coffee is now cold.....but I am rolling with my thoughts and my research. Too many things at once to describe what I am seeing and feeling. 

Next for the HALF! 


Well, it's that time of the year.....running! Already been out a couple of times. I have a few clients who have picked up running....and to top it off, I found out today that one of my BFFs is wanting to start running! WOW is all I have for that one! I love my running buddies but to add to it with already existing friends tops it!

Why do you run? I run because it truly is my therapy. I'm sure you have heard the slogan " running is cheaper than therapy", Well, that's for sure! Running outside completely clears your mind . It is so amazing what happens when you actually find that runner high. There is nothing in the world like it. My goal is to run the Columbus Half Marathon this October. My stomach turns when I think about it but I can't stand it! I want it!

To be continued.....