Friday, September 20, 2013

Life is so worth it

6 years ago today, I woke up with the flu.

And didn't smoke any cigarettes that day.

The next day, I was feeling much better but thought, "hmmmm, I made it 24 hours already, what's another 20 days?" and didn't smoke that day either. I had heard or read somewhere that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so I knew that I had to make it the next 20 days to be successful.

Let me tell you, it was the LONGEST 20 days EVAH!
But I did it!

And it was totally worth it! At the time, I didn't realize the difference this choice was going to make for me for the rest of my life and the impact I was going to have on other people because of it. If I would have known then, I am not sure if I would have done it.....that's a lot to put on somebody's shoulder.

But now, looking back - I couldn't be happier where I am in my life!

My husband and I opened a gym 3 years ago after instructing classes in our home, at local gyms, and training people as well. We decided to make it a business!

Body Core Fitness helps OTHER people become healthy! Every day I get to watch people become more healthy than they were the day before! It's a completely amazing and fulfilling job and I can't imagine being somewhere else.

And I thank God for giving me the strength 6 years ago!

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