Probably the most amazing woman on this earth. Honestly. She bends over backwards for me. For my family. For my brother. For anybody who asks. She doesn't judge. She truly is somebody you want to be in your life.
My Mom has a laugh that is contagious. You can't help but laugh with her!
I have to write this blog about her and give this minute to her because she deserves this and so much more!
I like this picture that I took of her last Sunday. We were having a late lunch with my brother and husband because my bro was heading back home in a few hours. It was a beautiful afternoon. Not hot. Not cold. Just perfect. Mom and I have learned that we both like sangrias. Not every day (as they aren't the healthiest drinks haha!) but occasionally....on our dates. We always get one or two...sometimes three.
I look forward to my time with her. Alone. Just us. We talk about our kids, our husbands, our lives, and we laugh and, of course we wouldn't have McCreary blood in us if we didn't cry!
I have always had a bit of jealousy - not bad jealousy ---- that's such an ugly word - but a little bit of it anyway- of her visits to see my brother. She would go out there (he lives in the DC area) and stay with him for days. They would go out on the town. Have fun together. Have dinner together. Drink together. Just enjoy each other. And I know that I get to see her whenever I want. It wasn't ever that. Most of our visits were family events, holidays, birthdays, etc........Not just hanging out. I made that change last year when I decided that I could make that happen right here in Ohio. Even if just for an evening. And it's amazing! Our next date is Mother's Day. Haven't decided yet on a location but we know that we will be having mimosas and a great brunch!
To get to my point ---> I can't wait to have her out to Arizona with me! How much fun is that going to be!
So, to finalize my thoughts on my beautiful Mom ~ I couldn't ask for a better person to be my mother. She was my rock growing up. She is my rock as I am grown up. I love her and only feel so lucky that she is MY MOM!
My goodness. I certainly feel special. Thank you, Dawn. I will miss you terribly when you move but I will be out to see you, I promise. I am not a perfectionist by any means but I have done two perfect things in my life and that is having you and Gary. My life is complete. Love you so much.