Thursday, May 8, 2014

Another great lunch!

Egg/Avocado Salad


My only words to describe the deliciousness that is in every scrumptious bite! And RIDICULOUSLY healthy for you! All the healthy fats a body needs! And full of protein - OF COURSE!
I only took 1/3 of it at first. Thought I would split it between THREE meals. Um no......I went back in and got the other part of my half. :)

Here's the DL on it:
Kcal - 423
22 grams of carbs
27 grams of fat (Remember, the GOOD FAT - it is made of avocados!!!)
18 grams of protein
543 sodium (a little higher than I would like but still well below my 2200 daily allowance
4 sugars! That's it! ONLY FOUR!

Want the recipe?
4 hard boiled eggs
1 avocado
1 Tbsp of light mayonnaise - now, if I wouldn't have been out of greek yogurt, I would have used that instead - MORE PROTEIN BABY! 
Scallions - however much you want
Then I put it on red lettuce and one mini pita pocket - get rid of this if you are wanting to cut carbs - I am running later so I am good with the ratio for my lunch. To add a little bit of color, cherry tomatoes - even though I am totally feeling the greenness.

Oh, and a little bit of salt and pepper. NOT MUCH! 

Cut that entire recipe IN HALF! Otherwise, you are going to consume over 800 calories for one meal. :-/

Enough said on that. Otherwise, I am going back for more. And I MUST save this for lunch tomorrow! Maybe skip the pita bread :) 

Buen provecho! 


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