Monday, May 5, 2014

Darjeeling - Reminds me of Darling......

And every time I pull my tea cup out to make tea, I always say to myself (or to my puppy) "Daaahhhling!" 

But the tea that is in it isn't Darjeeling, it's green tea mango. One of my absolute favorites. Probably the tea that got me really loving loose leaf tea and not wanting to ever drink out of a regular prepackaged tea bag again! The smell is overwhelming in a calming fashion. It simply releases any tension in my soul and lets out only goodness. 

I started drinking tea because I have read enough studies saying that it is SUPER good for your health --- and anything to help my health, I am going to go with! But now, I drink it because I like it. A lot! 

I think everybody should drink loose leaf tea....and I think that if you just found the right one, it would be very easy to have a cup or two or three a day. Easy! 

Well, on to our health! 

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